Since we spent Saturday working on boat projects, Sunday was a day of morning chores and afternoon fun! Randy spent the morning cleaning up the decks after the water tank installation and I added a second coat of varnish to the port side door jam and interior. The afternoon is where all the fun began.
At 1:15pm, we got in our dinghy and headed over to the other side of the docks where we met up with 4 other dinghies carrying our fellow dock neighbors. The plan was to enjoy a nice dinghy cruise down to Doc Ford’s where we would have a few drinks and listen to the live music of Deb and the Dynamiks. It was a perfect, gorgeous Florida winter day—sunny and 80 degrees. We had a lovely cruise with Corey and Maddie with us. On the way to Doc Ford’s we stopped by Olsen Marine to get a look at Randy’s dad’s boat which was on the hard drying out before having blisters repaired. After that, we pulled into Doc Ford’s and tied up with the other dinghies in our group. We thoroughly enjoyed the music, drinks and day with our friends.
After a couple of hours, we headed back to the dock for a Mardi Gras themed dock party complete with cajun music and oysters. This was a festive party! At sunset, we had the blowing of the conch horns which Corey loves to join in. As usual, the food was wonderful and the party was rocking’.