You might have noticed I’ve been a bit behind on the blog lately. I literally just posted about prepping for the Bahamas in Vero Beach which happened back in December/January. We’ve since been to the Bahamas and back and are currently in North Carolina on our way north for the summer. I plan to post …
Living Aboard
When we left Annapolis on July 5th, we were hopeful that our engine issues were behind us. After spending 6 long, unplanned weeks (plus a lot of money) in Annapolis, we were looking forward to our summer cruising plans. My sister and her friend were planning to fly to Boston and meet us somewhere where …
After spending 2 weeks on a mooring ball in Annapolis, we released our ball and headed out of Spa Creek and into Back Creek. Since we couldn’t reverse, navigating through the channel was a little nerve wracking with others boats either waiting to get into slips or get fuel. We finally made our way to …
11 years ago, Randy and I made a decision that would greatly change and impact our lives for the better. We purchased a 1974 Defever Passagemaker trawler and quickly learned that life would never be the same. A wonderful world opened up for us as we lived aboard our boat full time and cruised all …
Finally, after a month on land we were cruising again! We left Kent Narrows and headed north, passing under the massive Chesapeake Bay Bridge. We cruised about 34 miles that day and found a nice little anchorage near Dobbins Island in the Magothy River. Randy dove in to check the growth on the prop and …
After we left St. Augustine, we headed south Marineland, FL. We didn’t really like the idea of heading back where we came from but we needed a good place to leave the boat for a long weekend. We didn’t want to leave the boat on a mooring ball or anchor since our fridge needs power …
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since we said “goodbye” to land life and moved aboard our floating home. It’s been so much fun and so much work and we wouldn’t change it for the world. We’ve been through many phases in our journey living and cruising on a boat. Our son, …
We’ve had a lot going on in the past month. One of the items on our (unending) to-do list was to rename the sailboat. In order to do this, we had to do a few things first. We had sent our vessel documentation in back in September and finally received it last month. Next, we’d …
Now that we’ve settled in properly and I finally finished sewing the interior seat cushions, I thought I would snap a few photos (since I just cleaned) of the interior of our sailboat. I also took video as well, so see the end of this post for the video tour. Our sailboat is a 44′ …
It’s been roughly a little over a month of living aboard our new (to us) sailboat. So, I’ve decided to put together a few initial thoughts on the differences of living aboard a sailboat vs. a trawler. We spent 9 years living aboard Blue Turtle, our 40’ trawler and have recently bought and moved aboard …
In our last post, I mentioned that we were under contract on a 1978 CSY 44′ Walk Over and we had our sea trial and survey. That was in August and the survey had to be postponed due to a line breaking that made it impossible to raise the mainsail. A rigger couldn’t be scheduled to …
Well folks, the day has come for us to say goodbye to Blue Turtle, our home of 9 years. She was good to us and gave us many amazing memories and we hope she continues to do that for the new owners, Joel and Nancy. We are super happy that she’s going to a great …