Blue Turtle Cruising

11 years ago, Randy and I made a decision that would greatly change and impact our lives for the better. We purchased a 1974 Defever Passagemaker trawler and quickly learned that life would never be the same. A wonderful world opened up for us as we lived aboard our boat full time and cruised all …

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since we said “goodbye” to land life and moved aboard our floating home. It’s been so much fun and so much work and we wouldn’t change it for the world. We’ve been through many phases in our journey living and cruising on a boat. Our son, …

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Every year, the month of May marks our living aboard anniversary and this year it’s been 8 years since buying and moving aboard our trawler, Blue Turtle.  It’s ironic that this month Randy and I have been spent more time on land living in an Airbnb in Jacksonville so he can work at the naval base here. …

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Seven years ago on Mother’s Day weekend, Randy, his father (John), my father (Steve), and I brought Blue Turtle home from Long Boat Key, FL. It was a whirlwind weekend trip filled with excitement and maybe a few thoughts of, “oh dear, what have we gotten ourselves into?” At the time, we really had no idea how …

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It’s hard to believe that 6 years ago we brought Blue Turtle home and moved aboard. I mentioned to Randy the other day that this is the longest I have lived anywhere in my adult life since moving out of my parent’s home in my 20’s. I feel like Blue Turtle is part of us …

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This May marks our 5th year anniversary of living aboard Blue Turtle. Hard to believe that 5 years ago Randy and I brought Blue Turtle home and moved aboard to live full time.  We were complete noobs and had no idea what we were in for. Everything was a learning process. We joke about the fact that …

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In may, we celebrated our fourth year living aboard Blue Turtle.  I’m a little late posting this because we’ve been so wrapped up in wedding plans and planning/provisioning for our upcoming Dry Tortugas trip. Our fourth year finds us loving the live-aboard lifestyle.  Year four was full of some awesome and memorable trips as well as some …

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This month, marks our third year living aboard Blue Turtle. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long already. Our first year was mostly overwhelming and spent repairing lots of things that were broken on our trawler. Our second year living aboard, was less overwhelming although we still had quite a few boat projects on …

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This month, Randy, Corey and I are celebrating 2 years living aboard Blue Turtle. It was May of 2012 that we brought Blue Turtle (then called “Down Time”) home to Fort Myers from Longboat Key. Our first year living aboard was a bit overwhelming, it seemed that every time we tried to fix something, another …

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We’ve come a long way baby! One year ago (May 2012), Randy and I bought a 40′ DeFever Passagemaker and brought her home from Longboat Key. It was then that began our experiences in living aboard. We didn’t really know anything about caring for and maintaining a boat this size, but with the help of …

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