11 years ago, Randy and I made a decision that would greatly change and impact our lives for the better. We purchased a 1974 Defever Passagemaker trawler and quickly learned that life would never be the same. A wonderful world opened up for us as we lived aboard our boat full time and cruised all …
CSY sailboat
We’ve had a lot going on in the past month. One of the items on our (unending) to-do list was to rename the sailboat. In order to do this, we had to do a few things first. We had sent our vessel documentation in back in September and finally received it last month. Next, we’d …
Now that we’ve settled in properly and I finally finished sewing the interior seat cushions, I thought I would snap a few photos (since I just cleaned) of the interior of our sailboat. I also took video as well, so see the end of this post for the video tour. Our sailboat is a 44′ …
December was crazy and hectic with multiple family birthdays, a Jimmy Buffet Concert and a family trip to the Smokey Mountains for the Christmas holiday. With all of that behind us, Randy and I desperately needed some down time, so we decided to get off the dock and anchor out locally for New Years. We …
I’m a little late posting this but wanted to post the photos and write about our first experience under sail aboard s/v Blue Turtle. Back in November, Randy and I decided we needed to get off the dock and learn how to get the sails up on our new-to-us CSY. We invited our marina friend, …
It’s been roughly a little over a month of living aboard our new (to us) sailboat. So, I’ve decided to put together a few initial thoughts on the differences of living aboard a sailboat vs. a trawler. We spent 9 years living aboard Blue Turtle, our 40’ trawler and have recently bought and moved aboard …