Blue Turtle Cruising

Pontoon boat party with friends

I’ve been so busy lately that I’m posting this a little late. Two weekends ago, we were invited to go out on a pontoon boat for the day. Our friend Beth had won a free pontoon boat rental at a Snook Bight Customer Appreciation event. It so happened that our mutual friends, Tim and Joan, were in town to visit us. Tim and Joan were once our neighbors at Snook Bight and we really miss having them here. They now have their boat on the east coat in Stuart, FL. It was a gorgeous and slightly chilly day, and we all had a blast! Thanks to Ned and Beth for inviting us out for a fun-filled day on the water.

Great meeting of the minds on the dock
Great meeting of the minds on the dock
Small dock party ensued before departing
Small dock party ensued before departing
Tim, Joan, Anne an Lucky...we miss you guys!
Tim, Joan, Anne an Lucky…we miss you guys!
Our crew ready for a fun day
Our crew ready for a fun day
Corey captains the boat
Corey captains the boat
Joan and Schooner with Sophie and I
Joan and Schooner with Sophie and I
Tim and Schooner
Tim and Schooner
The gals
The gals
Randy drives and Corey gets suited up for some tow skim boarding
Randy drives and Corey gets suited up for some tow skim boarding
Corey skimming behind the pontoon boat (this board has no fin!)
Corey skimming behind the pontoon boat (this board has no fin!)
Corey goes outside the wake
Corey goes outside the wake
Tim, Schooner and Corey
Tim, Schooner and Corey
Katie, Beth and Ned
Katie, Beth and Ned
Returning home...
Returning home…

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