Blue Turtle Cruising

Off Ramp and Davis Rock, Dry Tortugas

On our second day of diving in the Dry Tortugas, we decided to check out a group of mooring buoys that were all in the same vicinity of location. These buoys are Off Ramp, Davis Rock and Texas Rock:

  • RNAB5/Off Ramp: N24°40.166 W082°54.510
  • RNAMB3/Davis Rock: N24° 41.208 W82° 54.450
  • RNAMB4/Texas Rock: N24° 40.814 W82° 53.120

We dove the first two sites (Off Ramp and Davis Rock) and were completely stoked that they were so awesome! Corey and I dove Off Ramp first, while Randy changed the impeller on our generator above (thank you Randy!). The reef was beautiful and visibility was good.

View of Blue Turtle from Off Ramp reef
View of Blue Turtle from Off Ramp reef
Beautiful coral structure at Off Ramp
Beautiful coral structure at Off Ramp
Not sure why I have so many photos of Blue Turtle from below :)
Not sure why I have so many photos of Blue Turtle from below 🙂

Next, Randy and Corey dove Davis Rock. When the boys surfaced, they both said it was hands-down the best dive so far. I decided I needed to see so for myself, so Corey and I suited back up and got in the water. Right as we were getting in the water, we saw 2 small black tip sharks on the surface investigating our floating ski line. They were curious enough and would come close to Corey and I as we were hanging on the swim platform in the water. We both had our GoPros and videoed the 2 sharks before heading down to dive. The visibility was amazing and the reef was gorgeous! We spotted a couple of nice sized angel fish, a large goliath grouper, spotted trunkfish as well as schools of barracuda.

We would have loved to have time to dive Texas Rock, but we were preparing for foul weather the next few days.

Corey inspects the top of a coral head at Davis Rock
Corey inspects the top of a coral head at Davis Rock
"O" shaped coral head at Davis Rock
“O” shaped coral head at Davis Rock
Beautiful French Angelfish at Davis Rock
Beautiful French Angelfish at Davis Rock
Corey at Davis Rock reef with Blue Turtle above
Corey at Davis Rock reef with Blue Turtle above
Very cool little Spotted Trunkfish
Very cool little Spotted Trunkfish
Corey on his ascent to Blue Turtle
Corey on his ascent to Blue Turtle
Awesome dive over!
Awesome dive over!

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