Every year, right after Christmas we always take some time to get in some cruising. With both of us working full-time and having a teenager with his own busy schedule, we haven’t really had the time to get off the dock as much as we would like. Post holidays is always a great time for …
New Pass beach
Randy and I had a day without the boy, so we decided to head to New Pass beach, just the two of us. New Pass is generally too far for us when we have Corey since our dinghy can’t get on plane with all 3 of us. With 2 people it can plane perfectly and …
Yesterday, we celebrated Corey’s 9th birthday by renting the largest sized pontoon boat that Snook Bight has. We loaded it up Corey’s friends and family (a total of 8 kids, 8 adults and one winer dog), a cooler, chairs and fishing gear. We did this last year for his birthday as well but rented a …