After our long day at the Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Festival and the time change, we slept in this morning. We had our coffee up on the bridge and enjoyed the start of another gorgeous day. Since it was just Randy and I during the day, we packed a cooler, grabbed our beach chairs and the dog and headed over to the beach to read magazines and soak up the sun. This is perfect beach weather…the kind where you can sit in the sun and not sweat, feel the warmth of the sun, and not feel like a piece of meat frying…perfect!
After the beach, we stopped at Publix for a few groceries and headed back to the boat. I gave the dog a bath and prepped dinner for the grill while Randy went and got Corey. While we were grilling, Corey took out his Dad’s kayak for a bit. After dinner, Corey went back out on the kayak to fish. We watched him while he hooked a fish and realized that the fish was taking him for a ride on the kayak. Unbelievably, pulled in this big fish, unhooked it and paddled over to the dock to show us. Corey’s caught large fish before, but it was cool to see him catch this fish while standing on a kayak across the bay and be able to pull it up and bring it to shore.
Good stuff! I love reading about your live-aboard lifestyle and looking at your photos.