Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 8-10, 2017 Thursday – Weather forecast is looking better After 4 days of cloudy skies, high winds, and rough seas, we finally had a decent day forecasted. Although Thursday morning called for SW winds near 20 knots and seas at 5-7ft it was to calm down throughout the day and into Friday. We had …
Fort Jefferson
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 6-7, 2017 While our hometown of Fort Myers was getting hammered with unusually large amounts of rain, we too were facing the same conditions in the Dry Tortugas. Since there is no wifi or cell service in the Dry Tortugas, it’s difficult to predict the weather. To get the forecast there, …
Sunday, June 4, 2017 On our second day in the Dry Tortugas, the weather still wasn’t cooperating with high winds and seas that makes for poor diving conditions. With the winds coming out of the southeast, we decided to try snorkeling Little Africa since it is on the northwest side of Loggerhead Key and would possibly be …
So on our third day (Thursday) in the Dry Tortugas, the plan was to get up early and head out for a morning of diving. When Randy went to brush his teeth and turned on the faucet there was no water. He checked the bilge (which was previously dry) and realized that it was full of …
On our first full day in the Dry Tortugas (Tuesday), we left the anchorage around 7am and headed out for diving. Scott, Brandon and Matt were onboard with us and this was to be their first ocean dive, having just recently completed their dive certification. We were hoping to find a reasonably priced air compressor to bring …
We lucked out with beautiful weather and calm seas the first 3 days which provided us with excellent diving and snorkeling, however, the latter part of the week the wind kicked up and seas weren’t as calm. Since diving was out, we spent a couple of days snorkeling around Garden Key and exploring Fort Jefferson. …
After our towing in, Randy continued through the night to get our engine started. We were lucky he was able to get the generator started. After a sleepless night for Randy, he awoke early and began again to get the engine starting batteries charged up enough to start the engine and finish bleeding the lines. …